Friday, June 18, 2010

Today was long, and I am tired.

Last night Lilli announced that she wanted to sleep in her own bed. She had been sleeping in her own bed for a while before, but then her allergies hit again and her sleep apnea came back and she started sleeping with us again. Her sleep apnea has subsided as she has grown into her big tonsils and I guess she was feeling ready for some independence. Surprisingly, Tenzin decided he wanted to sleep in his own bed, too. So we set up his bed next to Lilli's in their bedroom and they both fell asleep quickly in their own beds and slept through the night. When they woke up this morning, they came into our room and slept for another hour or so. With so much sleeping going on, I felt really rested this morning.  I went visiting teaching this morning, and then had a friend come over and chat for awhile. We went on a walk, had lunch, then went on another walk. After that, we went to dinner at the park and then played on the equipment. Lilli saw the pool and wanted to go swimming, so we went and did that. Carting two kids on your hips back and forth through a swimming pool is not easy work. By the time we left the pool around 8:30 pm, I was really dragging. We came home and I did some housework and then we went to JCPenney so I could use a gift certificate thingy I had. Lilli fell down in the parking lot and skinned both of her knees pretty bad, so we did some First Aid in the parking lot and then got her home to finish cleaning out the scrapes. Michael doesn't get home until 1 am tonight, so that means I get to put the kids to bed on my own. However, the last thing I want to do right now is wrestle the kids into their pajamas, wrestle them into brushing their teeth, and wrestle them into bed. I pretty much just want to sleep. *Yawn* Maybe I'll just wimp out and we'll fall asleep watching t.v. together...


  1. That's more fun than I could stand...!

  2. Thanks for the comment about Jules. Wow. I am so amazed. You are an AMAZING nursery leader. I do not doubt even one bit it is the calling the Lord would have you have right now. I love reading about your life even though I see you often, but prob not often enough. After this super busy week is over lets hang out.
