Wednesday, May 12, 2010

False Alarm!

Apparently I have forgotten what PMS feels like... I woke up this morning feeling completely normal, happy, and motivated again. I tended to my poor food poisoned husband, took the kids on a walk, partially cleaned my sister-in-law's kitchen, had a picnic with the kids outside, deep-cleaned my own kitchen, washed/dried/folded about 6 loads of laundry, cleaned my bathroom, cleaned my living room, played with the kids, read some offensive Sherlock Holmes, cleaned the fish tank, and felt happy to be alive.  If I complain about depression again approx. 24 days from now, someone remind me, please!


  1. The relevant ad displaying below your post is Motrin PM.


  2. Shiloh, you make me laugh. All the time. I am glad you are your upbeat self again! You are so refreshing to me.
